New Armenia: Justice and good governance reform agenda.

The Partnership for Open Society Initiative, representing more than 60 civil society organizations, is pleased to invite you to participate in public discussion series titled “New Armenia: Justice and good governance reform agenda.”

Considering the new political context, the series aims to formulate a new agenda directed to the issues of human rights and fundamental freedoms, fair trial, good and transparent governance, fight against corruption and other related problems.

The first public discussion is devoted to the Right to life. The event will take place on October 9, at 16:00, at Congress Hotel, Picasso Hall (1st Italy Street, Yerevan).

To develop a discourse on urgent and important issues of public importance, for these meeting series, Partnership for Open Society Initiative hosts independent experts, civil society, political parties. It similarly invites the representatives of diplomatic missions, international organizations and media to enlarge the scope of discussion and offered perspectives.

The public discussion series will be held between October and December, 2018. The draft agenda of this event is enclosed to the invitation. Simultaneous translation from Armenian into English and to sign language are provided.

We look forward to your participation and contribution to the discussion.

Sincerely yours,
Larisa Minasyan
Partnership for Open Society Initiative member
Executive Director of the Open Society Foundations – Armenia